Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Just checking

Earlier, this was unavailable. So I checked in to see if things were operating again. This is a lot of fun for me, and figuring out how to make it work is interesting. As of yet, I haven't had any comments on my blog, notwithstanding Charles Derden's plan for revenge on my censoring his humor columns. On the other hand, during the l960's, I asked Charles some incredibly stupid questions about the Civil Rights movement, which he ignored, and I've been gratified that he's still speaking to me.

Boots and his stomach

Boots is my Siamese mix cat. Or, rather, I am the person who takes care of Boots, who is exceedingly spoiled. Every once in awhile he starts spitting up for no apparent reason and has to be fed teeny meals frequently. On hand, we have baked chicken breast, Science Diet for Sensitive tum-tums, and Science Diet i/d for gastroenteritis. Yesterday, he kept everything down. Teeny meals. Today, he got more dry food, which he crunched through, and a teeny bit of baked chicken breast. So far, so good.

But back to breast cancer. The nurse case manager who is substituting for Shari Showalter this week is going to find out what is going on about the surgery. Saw Dr. Recinos, the plastic surgeon, yesterday. He called Dr. Jayawardena, the surgeon. The first report I had from Christy, from the plastic surgery office, said that Dr. Jayawardena had agreed with Dr. Recinos on a bilateral masectomy (both breasts). I was upset, as my understanding was that the medical folks in General Surgery had agreed with a masectomy for the right breast and a lumpectomy for the left breast. Dr. Jay had also recommended breast reduction in the left breast.

Got camisole with velcro closing and pockets for bulbs for tubes. It is to go under other clothing. I'm not quite sure how.

Now that I have a blog, Charles Derden is delighted to have a chance to get even with me for all the times I censored his humor column at East High in Waterloo 1964-1965. So we'll see what his comments will be.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Working with a blog

Aha! I have figured out how to get back in to post more stuff on my brand-spanking-new blog.
I am so pleased with myself.

I ended up with TheSpoiledBoots because I couldn't use my original choice because it was taken (BootHouse) and then my second choice was TheHouseOfBoots, but I got that one in and couldn't figure out how to complete getting a blog, so the next time I tried TheHouseOfBoots was already taken. So we are all stuck with TheSpoiledBoots, who will, of course, star in many posts.

Me - an hour later

The Shock Of It All

On February 6, 2007 I was told I had cancer in both breasts. What had started out as an annual mammogram had turned into a nightmare. I don't cry. Very seldom do I even tear up. I was scheduled for an MRI February 12. The report came back that there was an "enhanced" area in the right breast. Another MRI was scheduled for February 19. Then I was told there were two "enhanced" areas in the right breast. On February 20, my younger daughter's 38th birthday, the results came back with carcinoma in both "enhanced" areas. Surgery was already scheduled for March 8. With three tiny areas in the right breast, that meant a masectomy. I still wanted a lumpectomy on the left breast if that was possible. There had been no "enhanced" areas in the left breast. The medical team met that Thursday morning, February 22, and said that the masectomy and lumpectomy were approved for treatment.

My younger daughter, Annie, has called me nearly every day, and consults with a massage client of hers who is an oncologist. Jessica, my older daughter, has called four times since the original diagnosis, and regularly answers my email. This keeps me going.

I don't have a lot of close friends, but the ones I have are solid. Two will be there for me the day of my surgery. A friend of my mother, who is 91, will take my mother to the hospital late in the afternoon. A friend from Berkeley, California, will fly to Minneapolis March 10 and be met by another friend from Minneapolis. They will then drive to Mason City.

In the midst of all of this, my friend Queen called and asked for help for a presentation she was to make on blacks in music for Black History Month. So I called my friend Charles in Berkeley and hooked up the two of them. Queen sent an email saying Charles had been very helpful. It pleased me very much to hook up two of my black friends in the Bay Area in Northern California.

The shock of more areas in the right breast is tempered by the fact that the MRI caught the areas when mammogram after mammogram and ultra sound after ultra sound had not caught it. The MRI has saved my life.

As this goes on, I will write about my friends and my daughters. With a reference to the cancer, but mostly about other things. This is my way of keeping my spirits up.
