Saturday, November 17, 2007

Digital camera

My Canon PowerShot arrived by UPS Wednesday. Pam and I got the batteries installed and the picture clip, and I took a couple of pictures of her, but still have no idea how to use the camera. Joe is supposed to help sometime today.

Once again, my blogspot went off the short list on Mozilla, which aggravates me to no end. I guess I'll have to add to the blog every couple of days.

Yesterday I substituted at John Adams Middle School, but it was easy. A student teacher in many of the classes. All were co-taught. Monday I will only be there in the afternoon, for another teacher, but the one with a student teacher.

Have yet to find a time for an interview for the new December Home of the Month. Hope to get that straighted out today. May have to cancel more appointments.

That's the news.

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