Sunday, February 10, 2008

Writing assignments

Friday evening I finished all the articles and boxes for a tabloid for the North Iowa Home Improvement and Landscaping Show. I worked on it 16 days for a total of some 30 hours. Some of the time was because I don't have a scanner so had to retype last year's copy as well as type in copy to the Globe via email. A lot of time was spent phoning and phoning again. Got all but one of the companies who took out ads for the tabloid. The articles are free. Wasn't much journalism, as Bob Steenson pointed out, just a lot of PR.

With wind chill factor, it was 40 degrees below zero last night. Car took right off. Just a few seconds before it turned over. Heat tape kept water pipes nice and toasty. Per Counsin Jan, however, I set the alarm and got up every two hours to run the hot water, as it freezes first.

Pam is coming over to take a shower. They have cold water but no hot water.

Not doing too well getting rid of last 5 pounds or so, but don't think I've gained much, if any.

Have lost 20 pounds.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

My New Wig

Joe called and wanted to go out to dinner. Since the temperature outzide is 0, and I had warmed up the car twice, I asked him to come get me, which he did. He was driving his mother's car, since his Volkswagon blew a coil. The first thing I did after he called was to get my wig and put it on. It's the same color as my hair, with lots of body and bangs. People just think I've done something with my hair. After dinner, Joe brought me home and came in and used my camera to take a picture. Will get prints. With help, of course.

Yesterday, wore my wig when I hitched a ride to Garner with Sarah Aronsen, a photographer for the Globe Gazette. The weather was supposed to be blowing snow, which never materialized. It was fun to be with someone else on an assignment. This was for the February Home of the Month. It's due Thursday, Jan. 24, because the first Friday in February is the 1st.

Actually, I wear my wig whenever I go out. But won't for my passport picture and won't for doctor's checkups because I have to take off my sweater, which means trying to readjust the wig, which is awkward.

Jessica get pictures to go on her blog. I probably wouldn't be able to figure it out.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Blasted Mozilla Firefox

Established internet sites keep going off and I have to rewrite websites on the address spot. This is aggravating beyond belief, as it's my blogspot that goes off consistently. As well as other spots I use frequently.

I have no idea why this happens. Should email Mike at Jumpgate. Maybe I'll do that.